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Sex, Witchcraft and the War on Women

  • Chad Cipiti

The right wing war on women is certainly no new development.  Like many, if not most of the primitivist planks in the right wing cultural platform, their fear and loathing of anything sexual (outside of the act of procreation) is…

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Plan B pills cause sexual activity – NOT

  • Chad Cipiti

Isn't that a ridiculous conclusion?  It's as silly to say that giving access to Plan B, morning-after sex pills, will cause youth to be more sexually active as it is to say that having a condom in your purse or…

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Two stories about gender inequality

  • Chad Cipiti

Two stories about gender and children caught my eye, over the last couple days. They are not at all connected to each other, but the more I thought about them, the more I realized that they illustrate very different responses…

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War Against Women in Our Own Country

  • Chad Cipiti

It's an inquisition as virulent as any Inquisition.  It's a holocaust with women and children as the targets. It's a fear-driven, rhetoric-inspired hysteria. It's a war. It's a war of words, not guns.  And the victims are women and children. …

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