It’s time to bring the diverse voices from our communities together in strategic conversations to investigate, promote, and protect our fundamental human rights.
The purpose of Woodhull’s Human Rights Commissions is to investigate, promote, and protect human rights.
Woodhull believes that populations already disenfranchised by systemic inequalities are also those most likely to have their basic human rights violated. Those are the voices we’ll center when addressing a specific issue, identity, or community in the Sexual Freedom Movement. We’ll hear testimony from affected populations, research, and recommendations for policy solutions to address violations of our fundamental human rights.
Woodhull’s Human Rights Commissions will highlight the strong connections between communities by ensuring a diverse range of voices at the table. Every Commission will have testimonies that include and prioritize the voices of marginalized people.

Illustration of multiple hands with different skin tones holding a sign that reads “Every Human Has Rights”