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Our Right to Contraception and Our Right to Privacy

  • Mandy Salley

Attorney Jonathan Mitchell is dedicated to eroding our human rights. He’s the architect of Texas’ so-called “bounty hunter” abortion ban, and he’s defended local officials who’ve been sued over the removal of public library books. Now, he’s litigating Deanda v.…

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photo of contraceptives

“Fetal Personhood” and Family Separation in South Carolina

  • Mandy Salley

Something terrible is happening in South Carolina. So-called “fetal personhood” laws are facilitating the criminalization of pregnant people for “child neglect,” and “endangerment.” This legal fiction – that pregnant people can neglect or endanger a child who has yet to…

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Photo of people holding protest signs.

The Horrible Reality of Abortion Rights in Georgia

  • Mandy Salley

Last month, the status of abortion access in the South got even more dire. On October 24, the Georgia Supreme Court in its 6-1 decision, allowed the state’s ban on abortion after six weeks to stay in effect. In the…

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