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David Benoit Mech v. School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida

  • Mandy Salley

QUESTION PRESENTED  Whether the Eleventh Circuit improperly expanded the “government speech” exception to the First Amendment to include circumstances where the government was not itself a “speaker” and had clearly discriminated against private speech on the basis of content. SUMMARY…

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Bethany Austin v. Illinois

  • Mandy Salley

QUESTION PRESENTED  Whether prohibiting the nonconsensual, public dissemination of private sexual images, which the defendant knew or should have known were intended to remain private, violates the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. BRIEF IN OPPOSITION  The nonconsensual dissemination…

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Woodhull Announces Human Rights Commissions

  • Mandy Salley

Woodhull Freedom Foundation is excited to announce the launch of a brand new project, Woodhull’s Human Rights Commissions. It is fitting to announce this new program on Human Rights Day, 2021 as the Commissions will mirror the theme for the…

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Censorship: It’s Not Just About Books!

  • Chad Cipiti

Book-banning, like book-burning, should be a relic of the dark ages. However, as evidenced by the American Library Association’s 2020 report on banned and challenged books, book-banning is very much a part of our present. As recently as  August 2021,…

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