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Ending the Marriage Penalty

  • Wendy Stanga

“Will you marry me? Imagine that was a question you could never actually answer,” says disability rights activist Imani Barbarin, reflecting on the “marriage penalty.” The term describes the legal rule that, as Sage Howard puts it, “robs disabled people…

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photo of contraceptives

“Fetal Personhood” and Family Separation in South Carolina

  • Mandy Salley

Something terrible is happening in South Carolina. So-called “fetal personhood” laws are facilitating the criminalization of pregnant people for “child neglect,” and “endangerment.” This legal fiction – that pregnant people can neglect or endanger a child who has yet to…

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A black and white photo of people at a protest.

To President Biden Re: Decriminalization

  • Mandy Salley

May 23, 2023, via the White House website Dear President Biden, Thank you again for affirming in your June 1, 2021 proclamation on LGBTQ Pride Month that LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. As Pride Month 2023 approaches, I am writing…

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