Congratulations on becoming a graduate of Spokes Hub! Now let’s get your voice out there!
Awards Pool
Graduates of Spokes Hub have access to the Awards Pool. Through the Awards Pool, graduates can receive financial rewards for specific types of public education work. Public education must be conducted on issues covered in the Spokes Hub program. Awards range from $100-$250 and are determined by the Spokes Hub coordinators.
To access funding via the Awards Pool, applicants must:
- Have graduated from Spokes Hub
- Have submitted a W9 tax form to Woodhull Freedom Foundation
- Have a public education opportunity (planned activity) that is otherwise unpaid
- Apply through the Awards Pool form in advance of the planned activity
- Receive confirmation than the planned activity is accepted
- Complete a Report Back form after the planned activity
Examples of Qualifying Work
Published Original Writing:
- Op-eds or guest columns
- Newsletter spots for allied organizations
- Essays in anthologies
Live Public Education
- Panels
- Workshops and presentations
- Student and classroom engagement
- Meetings with allied groups
Media Engagement
- Journalists
- Radio and podcasts
- TV spots
Activities that DO NOT qualify for the Awards Pool:
- Legislative testimony or lobbying (anything under 501c4 activities)
- Work that is already compensated
- Work that focuses on issues or topics unrelated to Spokes Hub
- Projects that are on-going