Mercy Gray
Mercy Gray of the Kapampangan and Bulaceño people of the Philippine Islands and Apache descendant was sex trafficked at the age of 14 through the use of narcotic restraints, love, and my vulnerability as a LGBTQ2IA+ person as a form of grooming. She was trafficked out of the states of Washington, Oregon, and Nevada. Existing in the sex trade for most of her life after that. Mercy pioneers services serving all genders from her current role with children as the Senior Gender Based Violence Specialist at the Family Violence Law Center in Oakland, CA to her previous work at a christian non-profit, REST. Mercy provides technical assistance and consultation with a specialized focus in serving conservative and faith-based organizations. Currently, she provides support to Shared Hope International as a Juvenile Sex Trafficking (JuST) Council Member, National Survivor Network Member, and consultant for Rising Worldwide. She is recognized with the Hero Award from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, with Unlikely Heroes for international contributions to end human trafficking, and provided technical assistance with the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Office of Trafficking in Persons National Human Trafficking, Training, and Technical Assistance Center, and with the Office for Victims of Crime under the Department of Justice.