Taylor Brown
Taylor Brown is a Staff Attorney with the LGBT & HIV Project at the American Civil Liberties Union. At the ACLU, Taylor works to protect and expand the civil liberties of all LGBT people & people living with HIV through impact litigation, policy advocacy, and community engagement. Prior to joining the ACLU, Taylor spent over two and a half years with Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, the oldest and largest legal organization dedicated to advancing the full civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and people living with HIV. Before becoming a staff attorney with Lambda Legal, Taylor served as the Tyron Garner Memorial Law Fellow at Lambda Legal, pursuing litigation, policy advocacy, and public education addressing inequities in law and policy for African American LGBT people and African American people living with HIV. Taylor began her career at Lambda Legal as a legal intern in the Transgender Rights Project in Lambda Legal’s New York City headquarters. Taylor’s legal work at Lambda Legal focused on access to healthcare and education equity for transgender people and the intersection of LGBT/HIV status with race and socio-economic status. During her time at Lambda Legal, Taylor litigated a number of cases expanding and solidifying federal civil rights protections for LGBT people. Taylor served as lead counsel in Kadel v. Folwell, a federal lawsuit challenging the categorical exclusion of all transition-related healthcare in the North Carolina state employee health plan, counsel in Fletcher v. State of Alaska, a federal lawsuit challenging the State of Alaska’s exclusion of transition-related surgical care in its state employee health plan, Briteramos v. King’s of Cuts, a lawsuit brought under the Americans with Disabilities Act challenging a barbershop’s denial of service based on HIV status, as well as defending Lambda Legal’s win on appeal in Adams v. The School Board of St. Johns County, securing equal protection and Title IX protections for transgender students. Taylor received her B.A. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her J.D. from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. At UNC-Chapel Hill, Taylor was a Carolina Covenant Scholar. At Cardozo, Taylor was a Nathaniel E. Gates Scholar.