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Criminalizing Queerness

  • Mandy Salley

June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month. There’s a plethora of celebratory events. There’s a mountain of material for understanding the history of queer liberation. There’s also plenty to mourn. To understand the history and present struggles of queer liberation means we…

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Parental Rights

  • Mandy Salley

Parental Rights at Kids’ Expense  The parental rights movement is making a comeback. “Parental” might imply that kids’ needs are at the center. But as Jaclyn Friedman writes, the last thing these so-called parental advocates want is for kids to…

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The Business of Birth Control Film Screening

  • Mandy Salley

Sixty years after the pill revolutionized women's emancipation, The Business of Birth Control examines the complex relationship between hormonal birth control and women’s health and liberation. The documentary traces the feminist movement to investigate and expose the pill's risks alongside the racist legacy…

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