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Letter in Opposition of MO HB 1993

  • Mandy Salley

March 5, 2024 Re: Woodhull Freedom Foundation Opposes HB 1993 Dear General Laws Committee Member, We are writing from the Woodhull Freedom Foundation to express serious concerns regarding HB 1993. While we agree entirely with the goal of keeping children…

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Photo of the PA Capitol Building

The Right to Abortion in Pennsylvania

  • Mandy Salley

In the realm of reproductive justice, good news is scarce. Today, I write with some hope: Pennsylvania is considering removing a barrier to abortion access. To many, this signals a move toward finding the right to abortion in Pennsylvania’s constitution.…

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photograph of a protest sign

Abortion Is Health Care

  • Mandy Salley

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), a federal law, requires that hospitals provide stabilizing care – including abortions – to patients in medical emergencies. But apparently, in Texas, it doesn’t. In early January, the Fifth Circuit Court…

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