The Fight to Speak About S3x
In July 1953, agents from the Los Angeles postal inspector stormed the offices of ONE Magazine, a new ‘homophile’ publication, seizing all copies of their August issue. Postmaster Otto Oleson claimed the cover story on “Homosexual Marriage” was obscene and illegal to…
Dear FDA… Approve Over-the-Counter Birth Control, Now
Anti-abortion groups were certainly jubilant when the Supreme Court announced in Dobbs that it was overturning Roe. But they were far from satisfied, and their attack on our most sacred human rights is far from over. The end of our…
A Declaration of Human Rights Is Only the Beginning
In 1948, the United Nations signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), This ground-breaking document declared that every human being, regardless of race, religion, sex, language, ideology, property ownership, birth or citizenship, is endowed with basic fundamental rights — the…