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Free Speech, the First Amendment and Woodhull

September 3, 2013

Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance is one of the few organizations wholly devoted to preserving sexual freedom as one of society’s foremost fundamental human rights.  With controversial topics like sexual equality and autonomy comprising the core of Woodhull’s mission, the organization’s most pressing challenge to free speech is – and will likely always be – advancing the public discourse in the face of those whose goal is to silence sexual expression.  Woodhull forces the public to examine themselves, their government and their culture in the quest for individual liberty.  Advocating for personal autonomy and the basic right to express and enjoy sexual freedom with integrity and free from governmental interference, puts Woodhull at constant risk of censorship.  Everyday Woodhull willingly undertakes the crusade against sexual ignorance, hatred, misconception, discrimination, and repression, all rooted in decades of misguided societal mores.  In doing so, Woodhull routinely encounters obstacles from those opposing open sexual discussion – both governmental and private.  Sustaining a social dialogue involving such personal topics is far from easy and promises to be an obstacle for Woodhull and all others questioning the status quo, for years to come.

Woodhull is constantly working to advance the recognition of sexual, gender and familial diversity.  Diversity by its very definition signifies something different; something unconventional.  Human nature is to fear change.  Fully recognizing this uphill battle, Woodhull, nonetheless, continues to call for cultural transformation in the name of tolerance and social acceptance.  Without the constitutional right to freedom of speech provided by the First Amendment, Woodhull’s pioneering civil rights efforts would essentially be nonexistent.  The First Amendment not only permits sexual expression, but it actually encourages and seeks to cultivate such controversial speech.  Acting as a driving force behind a sexual movement inviting individuals to challenge mainstream notions of societal norms often requires broaching sensitive subjects or vocalizing unpopular thoughts.  But it’s that kind of exchange of controversial ideas that makes Woodhull-driven discourse even more crucial to the evolution of public policy and ultimately, social change.

Free Speech


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