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Centering Sexual Freedom on Human Rights Day

  • Chad Cipiti

Happy Human Rights Day! Today marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , a document that identified the inalienable rights to which everyone is inherently entitled as a human being -- regardless of race, religion, sex, language,…

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News: Are you part of the problem or the answer?

  • Chad Cipiti

There’s a lot of conversation on Facebook and in the media right now about false, or bad news sources. Facebook and Google have admitted, in a roundabout way,  to being part of the problem. I want to share my…

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The United States is NOT Above Human Rights Law!

  • Chad Cipiti

Woodhull Freedom Foundation, as Chair of the US Human Rights Network (USHRN) Sexual Rights and Gender Justice Working Group, joins the Network in expressing, via this statement, our deep disappointment in the response of the US Government to the 343…

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Oppression Is Not In the Interests Of The Children

  • Chad Cipiti

Yet the state, and many citizens, use them as proxies in the fight to protect systems of privilege and oppression. Walter Scott may have been running from Officer Michael Slager, who shot and killed him on April 4, because he was afraid of…

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Let Labor Unite Us

  • Chad Cipiti

I've been looking back over past labor day posts and the one I wrote five years ago really struck me as touching on many of the themes I've been thinking about lately. I'm reposting it here in its entirety. Much…

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