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Talking About A Revolution

  • Chad Cipiti

In the US, July 4 is the day we celebrate the freedom and independence that stems from a revolution. We do this with fireworks, barbecues, parades and all manner of nationalistic displays. There are readings of the Declaration of Independence,…

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For love or money?

  • Chad Cipiti

Lets pause for a moment of Marxist musing. When I talk to my students about the difference between “work” and “jobs,” we discuss the way that all productive activity can be understood as work, but that a job is only that…

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May Day for Sexuality Non-profits: No More Free Riders!

  • Chad Cipiti

May Day is both a distress call and also a celebration of labor. In this post, I’m using it in both ways at once. (Imagine that. I'm bi-connotational.) Heather Corinna, Executive Director of Scarleteen, announced earlier this week that the…

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Witnessing Transformation – Performers into Producers

  • Chad Cipiti

The beginning of a new year in the adult entertainment industry is always filled with excitement, trade shows, and hopes for success in the year ahead.  Now is also the time when the industry tries to identify upcoming trends in…

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64 Days for Human Rights: Voting, Healthcare and Housing Rights

  • Chad Cipiti

In commemoration of the 64th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this year, the US Human Rights Network is highlighting 64 member and partner organizations as a way to raise awareness about the domestic human rights movement. On this…

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64 Days for Human Rights – Week Two

  • Chad Cipiti

In commemoration of the 64th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this year, the US Human Rights Network launched a campaign to highlight the important human rights work that our members and partners are engaged in domestically. In the…

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64 Days focuses on poverty this week

  • Chad Cipiti

In 2010, 46.2 MILLION people were in poverty in the U.S. This Wednesday, October 17th, is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The day was designated by the United Nations in 1993 as a way to promote awareness…

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Why the Women’s Rights Movement Must Listen to Sex Workers

  • Chad Cipiti

Editor's Note:  In 2008 the US Government gave Malaysia the lowest rating in its annual Trafficking In Persons Report. Rather than address the real labour trafficking issues, the government set out to close down the sex industry. Now nearly all…

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Trafficking in War Zones: Making Zero-Tolerance Meaningful

  • Chad Cipiti

Last week in Little Rock, Ark., Attorney General Eric Holder spoke eloquently and forcefully on the problems of human trafficking in the U.S. Holder noted the problem — one of "crisis proportions" — takes place both outside and within our borders: In…

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Come out for labor rights

  • Chad Cipiti

Are you a union member, or a friend or family member of a union member? If so, please come out. Please identify yourself that way in conversations. Please stand up for unions and for the basic worker rights that they…

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