Skip to content Latest Victim in the Ongoing War Against Sex

  • Chad Cipiti

Woodhull opposes recent arrests This morning, federal and state law enforcement officials conducted a raid against  and arrested seven people associated with the website, charging them with prostitution and money laundering.   In June, 2014, Woodhull made the following…

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The War on Porn Rebranded as the War on Sex Trafficking

  • Chad Cipiti

On October 8, 2014, declared the end to the War on Porn. The censors had lost and erotic media would live on.  One sign that the war had been lost was the fact that annual contributions to the well-known anti-erotica…

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Censored by Google: What’s Next?

  • Chad Cipiti

Google, a name most associated with the popular, gargantuan search engine, has been making its way into the headlines for a different and much more egregious reason: censorship across its platform of products.  The company recently made waves for prohibiting…

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Human Rights Cup: Corporations=1, Human Beings=0

  • Chad Cipiti

In a stunning (but not unexpected) decision, the anti-human rights, anti-sexual freedom Supreme Court of the United States affirmed sexual freedom for corporations and denied it to human beings. Not good. Very, very bad. The decision is not out of…

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