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Picture of flags and balloons at a Pride gathering

A New Tennessee Ordinance Threatens to Erase the LGBTQIA+ Community

  • Mandy Salley

Prohibiting specific images, information, and access to online platforms has become a ubiquitous part of the American political landscape. The city of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, is taking censorship one step further, “IRL,” with Ordinance 23-O-22. Ordinance 23-O-22 “promotes public decency, maintains…

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Photo of people at a protest.

Banning Gender-Affirming Care in Texas

  • Mandy Salley

On September 1, Texas’ ban on gender-affirming health care for minors went into effect. Now, Texas is the most populous state to ban such care; the consequences will be devastating. Known as Senate Bill 14, the law prohibits minors from…

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