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Is the LGBTQ Movement All Sunshine and Rainbows?

  • Chad Cipiti

In the two weeks since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality, the world has witnessed a surge of rainbows. From our Facebook friends’ profile pictures to corporate advertising, the symbol of LGBTQ pride is everywhere. Some have…

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Marriage Equality – Step One!

  • Chad Cipiti

One step toward the right to family... Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance applauds the decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in favor of the freedom for anyone who wishes to marry to do so. This is one step…

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DOMA and What It’s Not

  • Chad Cipiti

Today is a monumental day in US history and the history of LGBT rights.  But it is not a full victory.  We join in the celebration, but we also highlight the challenges that remain for full equality and for full…

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Can we make the world a “better place”?

  • Chad Cipiti

I just received my copy of "Polyfidelity: Sex in the Kerista Commune and Other Related Theories on How to Solve the World's Problems." It's a book of writings and artwork published by the Kerista Commune. My first skim through the…

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Consent Alone Is Not Enough

  • Chad Cipiti

Note:  Guest author David Stein has been involved in the gay leather-s/m community for almost four decades. In 1981 he was a co-founder of Gay Male S/M Activists (GMSMA) in New York, which for two decades was one of the…

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Basic Human Rights Should Not Be ‘Controversial’

  • Chad Cipiti

"After dismantling Apartheid, when we sat down to write our Constitution, we quite deliberately ensured that gays, lesbians and bisexuals were included in South Africa's Constitution. "Having ourselves suffered terribly, we did not want to inflict discrimination on any group…

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