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  • Chad Cipiti

If you did not understand intersectionality - the connection between all forms of oppression -  before, I hope you understand it now. Trump prevailed by appealing to white identity and racial fear. He summoned within the shrinking white electorate a…

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Eric Rofes

Remembering Eric Rofes

  • Chad Cipiti

Today we pause, here at Woodhull, to remember Eric Rofes. Many people claim some memory of Eric and I am no different. Here at Woodhull we know that had it not been for Eric's passion, his vision, his beliefs, and…

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A letter from Woodhull Advisory Board Member, Carmen Vázquez

  • Chad Cipiti

Hate. Hate. Hate. Everywhere. Hate against gays. Hate against women. Hate against Muslims. Hate against Hillary. Hate against Obama. Hate against Immigrants. Hate. Hate of White people for Black people. Hate of Jews for Palestinians. Hate of Palestinians for Jews.…

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Woodhull Apology & Corrected Statement Regarding PULSE Tragedy

  • Chad Cipiti

Woodhull Freedom Foundation published yesterday a statement condemning the homophobic attack in Orlando. We regret that our initial statement unintentionally spurred exactly the Islamophobia we reject by using phrases like “radical jihad,” which was inaccurate, and offensive to many. The…

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Moving forward, looking back

  • Chad Cipiti

by Guest Blogger: Mark Segal Jason and I went to a heterosexual wedding last weekend. (I wonder if heterosexuals say, “I went to a gay wedding last weekend”?) Anyway, it was the first one we’ve been to since our own…

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Asexuality Awareness and The Right to Family

  • Chad Cipiti

Last week was Asexuality Awareness Week, an international campaign to educate communities about asexual, aromantic, demisexual, grey-asexual experiences. In honor of the shared stories about asexuality that have been circulating through cyberspace, I want to talk about what the asexual…

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