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Sex & God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality

  • Chad Cipiti

by Guest Blogger: David S. Hall, Ph.D As this Journal’s publisher, I receive many books and films to review. I tend to shy away from books and films about religion except in my role as an educator. I need to…

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Woodhull Featured in 64 Day Campaign for Human Rights

  • Chad Cipiti

Human rights are universal and fundamental. More than a matter of oppression in far-off lands, they are intrinsic to the way we treat each other in our communities, in our families, and in our homes. Breakthrough  The 64 Day Campaign…

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Details of your sex life, $10.00 in Florida!

  • Chad Cipiti

In an article in the Sun Sentinel reporter Brittany Wallman share the details of a survey about the sex lives of 4100 women ages 18 to 24 being conducted of Florida's Department of Health. The 12-page questionnaire appalled some who saw it,…

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Why the Women’s Rights Movement Must Listen to Sex Workers

  • Chad Cipiti

Editor's Note:  In 2008 the US Government gave Malaysia the lowest rating in its annual Trafficking In Persons Report. Rather than address the real labour trafficking issues, the government set out to close down the sex industry. Now nearly all…

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Women’s Freedom From Violence in Jeopardy!

  • Chad Cipiti

The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote as early as TODAY on the Adams version of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, also known as VAWA, (H.R. 4970). This bill not only eliminates important provisions included in the…

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