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Basic Human Rights Should Not Be ‘Controversial’

  • Chad Cipiti

"After dismantling Apartheid, when we sat down to write our Constitution, we quite deliberately ensured that gays, lesbians and bisexuals were included in South Africa's Constitution. "Having ourselves suffered terribly, we did not want to inflict discrimination on any group…

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Conservatives’ Deep-Set Fear of Sexual Freedom

  • Chad Cipiti

by Guest Blogger: Amanda Marcotte Right-wingers seem to have a deep-seated fear of women's sexual rights Reposted with permission from RH Reality Check There’s a tendency among prominent anti-choicers to speak elliptically of their beliefs, knowing that straightforward statements of…

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Lesbian Judges and Elephants in the Room

  • Chad Cipiti

An event of note for the LGBT community took place yesterday in Florida.  An event of note for those of us who advocate for equality and for freedom of sexual speech and expression took place at the same time. Friday…

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Two stories about gender inequality

  • Chad Cipiti

Two stories about gender and children caught my eye, over the last couple days. They are not at all connected to each other, but the more I thought about them, the more I realized that they illustrate very different responses…

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The Next Leaders of the Movement?

  • Chad Cipiti

The notion of "queer" presents a challenge to the indentity politics logic of the contemporary gay rights movement and these young people get why that's a problem now. Listen to them.Reteaching Gender and Sexuality from PUT THIS ON THE MAP…

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Fragments of Evolving Manhood: Korea 1

  • Chad Cipiti

With a half-finished bottle of soju sitting on the floor between us, and another two waiting to be opened, we settled in, my friend Mr. Lee and I, for an evening of drinking in my very small seven-and-a-half pyong apartment…

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