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What Makes A Woman? What Doesn’t!

  • Chad Cipiti

There is no single answer to the question “what makes a woman.” Women are not born women. They are born babies, and many of those babies are assigned as female then raised as girls. Some are not. Some are assigned as male and raised…

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Letter to Southwest Airlines

  • Chad Cipiti

May 7, 2014 Mr. Gary C. Kelly, Chairman of the Board Ms. Ginger Hardage, Senior Vice President, Culture and Communications Southwest Airlines P.O. Box 36611 2702 Love Field Drive Dallas, TX 75235 Re: Chase Bank – Censorship via Denial of…

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Letter to JP Morgan Chase

  • Chad Cipiti

May 7, 2014 JPMorgan Chase & Co. Attention James Dimon, Chairman of the Board and CEO Linda B. Bammann, Director, Public Responsibility Committee Office of the Secretary 270 Park Avenue, 38th Floor NY, NY 10017 Dear Mr. Dimon and Ms.…

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Letter to Amtrak

  • Chad Cipiti

May 7, 2014 Amtrak , National Railroad Partnership Corporation Mr. Joseph H. Boardman, President and CEO Mr. Joseph H. McHugh, Vice President, Government Affairs and Corporate Communications Mr. Anthony R. Coscia, Chairman of the Board 60 Massachusetts Ave., NE Washington,…

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Ladies and Gentlemen – huh?

  • Chad Cipiti

I recently engaged in a conversation with my six and seven year old grandchildren.  It was a simple conversation about my Grandmother, who would have been their great-great-grandmother. My grandmother lived with us for several decades and was a wonderful,…

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Sex and the People, Keynote by Carmen Vazquez

  • Chad Cipiti

Carmen Vazquez, Keynote Speaker, 2013 Sexual Freedom Summit (video) When first asked to make this presentation, I shared with Ricci that, while I have spent many years inserting sexuality into my public comments, I had never actually been asked to specifically…

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Sex & God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality

  • Chad Cipiti

by Guest Blogger: David S. Hall, Ph.D As this Journal’s publisher, I receive many books and films to review. I tend to shy away from books and films about religion except in my role as an educator. I need to…

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