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Letter in Opposition of SB 1219

  • Mandy Salley

March 5, 2024 Senate Committee on Public Safety California State Senate 1020 N Street, Room 545 Sacramento, CA 95814 Re: SB 1219 – Oppose To the Assembly Committee on Public Safety: The Woodhull Freedom Foundation writes to you today in…

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Letter in Opposition of AB 2034

  • Mandy Salley

March 5, 2024 Assembly Committee on Public Safety California State Assembly 1020 N Street, Room 111 Sacramento, CA 95814 Re: AB 2034 – Oppose  To the Assembly Committee on Public Safety: The Woodhull Freedom Foundation writes to you today in…

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Letter of Support for New York State’s Immunity Law

  • Mandy Salley

February 20, 2024 Re: Woodhull Freedom Foundation Supports A.7471(Kelles)/ S.1966 (Sepulveda) Dear Legislator: The Woodhull Freedom Foundation supports A.7471/S.1966, legislation to enable victims and witnesses to a crime to be able to seek help without fear of being prosecuted for…

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Teachers, OnlyFans, and Our Right to Sexual Freedom

  • Mandy Salley

Public school teachers in the U.S. are woefully underpaid. To make ends meet, many pursue other streams of income; data suggests that teachers are about three times as likely as all U.S. workers to have multiple jobs at once, from…

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